- Lightning-talk at Young geometric group theory XII Conference, Bristol, United Kingdom.
- Attended: HaJe MaDre Algebra-Seminar, Dresden, Germany
- Talk: "New lower and upper bounds for reflection length in infinite non-affine Coxeter groups", MathCoRe fellows seminar, Magdeburg
- Attended: HaJe MaDre Algebra-Seminar, Halle, Germany
- Talk: "Reflection length at infinity in hyperbolic reflection groups" at Dresden Leipzig Seminar Algebra and Geometry, Universität Leipzig, Germany
- Talk: "Reflection length at infinity in hyperbolic reflection groups" at Oberseminar Algebra und Algebraische Kombinatorik, Leibniz Universität Hannover, Germany
- Lightning-talk at Young geometric group theory XI Conference, Münster, Germany.
- Attended: Young geometric group theory XI Conference, Münster, Germany.
- Organisation of "Mini-Workshop Reflection Groups in Magdeburg" together with Anna Michael in Magdeburg, Germany
- Presentation at X-MATH (eXperimental MATHematics) organized by the Heidelberg Experimental Geometry Lab (HEGL)
- Talk: "Reflection length in discrete hyperbolic reflection groups", MathCoRe fellows seminar, Magdeburg
- Talk: "Reflection length in non-affine Coxeter groups", Geometry Graduate Colloquium, ETH Zurich
- Talk: "Reflection length in non-affine Coxeter groups" Mathematical Postgraduate Society Seminar, University of Sydney
- August and September: Visiting Researcher at University of Sydney with Anne Thomas
- Attended: Marco Burger's prime, Zürich, Switzerland
- Talk: "What is... Hilbert's ultra-parallel theorem for hyperplanes", WISST Seminar, Magdeburg
- Talk "Reflection length in hyperbolic Coxeter groups", HaJe MaDre Algebra-Seminar, virtual
- Attended: Groups in Madrid Conference, Madrid, Spain
- Technical support for: Northern German Group Theory Colloquium, online
- Attended: Buildings 2021 Conference, Magdeburg, Germany.
- Talk: "Reflection length in hyperbolic Coxeter groups II", MathCoRe fellows seminar, Magdeburg
- Supervised: DAAD-founded internship: "Programming a geometric realisation of hyperbolic Coxeter groups".
- Attended: World of GroupCraft Conference, online
- Attended: Summer school Berlin 2021: The dual approach to Coxeter and Artin groups, Berlin, Germany
- Attended: Young geometric group theory X Conference, online
- Attended: Das Grüppchen 2021 Conference, online
- Talk: "What is... the basic construction?", WISST Seminar, Magdeburg
- Talk: "What is... a hyperbolic space?", WISST Seminar, Magdeburg
- Talk: "Reflection length in hyperbolic Coxeter groups", MathCoRe fellows seminar, Magdeburg
- Attended: BYMAT 2020 Conference, virtual.
- Attended: Combinatorial Coworkspace Conference, Hirschegg, Austria.
- Attended: Young geometric group theory IX Conference, Saint-Jacut-de-la-mer, France.
- Talk: "What are... local groups?", WISST Seminar, Magdeburg
- Attended: Buildings 2019 Conference, Magdeburg, Germany.
- Talk: "Iwasawa’s local splitting theorem for locally compact groups", 2019, Magdeburg, Germany.