An Algorithm for Mixed Integer Optimization
by Köppe, Matthias; Weismantel, Robert
Preprint series: 02-17, Preprints
- MSC:
- 90C10 Integer programming
Abstract: This paper introduces an exact and finite algorithm for solving mixed integer programs. The core of the method is an iterative technique for changing the representation of the original mixed integer optimization problem.
Keywords: Mixed Integer Programs, primal methods, integral bases
Notes: First named author supported by grants FKZ 0037KD0099 and FKZ 2495A/0028G of the Kultusministerium of Sachsen-Anhalt. Last named author supported by a Gerhard-Hess-Preis and grant WE 1462 of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, and by the European DONET program TMR ERB FMRX-CT98-0202.
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