On the Reference Mapping for Quadrilateral and Hexahedral Finite Elements on Multilevel Adaptive Grids
by Matthies, G.; Schieweck, F.
Preprint series: 06-54, Preprints
- MSC:
- 65N30 Finite elements, Rayleigh-Ritz and Galerkin methods, finite methods
- 65N15 Error bounds
- 65N50 Mesh generation and refinement
Abstract: We study the properties of the reference mapping for quadrilateral and hexahedral finite elements. We consider multilevel adaptive grids with possibly hanging nodes which are typically generated by adaptive refinement starting from a regular coarse grid. It turns out that for such grids the reference mapping behaves -- up to a perturbation depending on the mesh size -- like an affine mapping. As an application, we prove optimal estimates of the interpolation error for discontinuous mapped P_r-elements on quadrilateral and hexahedral grids.
Keywords: quadrilateral and hexahedral finite elements, multilevel adaptive grids, hanging nodes, finite element analysis
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