Peer-reviewed journal article
Local minimax rates for closeness testing of discrete distributions
Lam, Joseph; Carpentier, Alexandra; Sriperumbudur, Bharath K.
In: Bernoulli - Aarhus : [Verlag nicht ermittelbar], Bd. 28 (2022), Heft 2, S. 1179-1197
Peer-reviewed journal article
Optimal sparsity testing in linear regression model
Carpentier, Alexandra; Verzelen, Nicolas
In: Bernoulli: official journal of the Bernoulli Society for Mathematical Statistics and Probability - Aarhus, Bd. 27 (2021), 2, S. 727-750
Peer-reviewed journal article
Two-sample hypothesis testing for inhomogeneous random graphs
Ghoshdastidar, Debarghya; Gutzeit, Maurilio; Carpentier, Alexandra; Luxburg, Ulrike
In: The annals of statistics: an official journal of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics - Hayward, Calif.: IMS Business Off., Bd. 48.2020, 4, S. 2208-2229
Non-peer-reviewed journal article
Linear bandits with stochastic delayed feedback
Vernade, Claire; Carpentier, Alexandra; Lattimore, Tor; Zappella, Giovanni; Ermis, Beyza; Brueckner, Michael
In: - [S.l.]:, 2020, article 1807.02089
The influence of shape constraints on the thresholding bandit problem
Cheshire, James; Menard, Pierre; Carpentier, Alexandra
In: - [S.l.] : - 2020, article 2006.10006
Stochastic bandits with arm-dependent delays
Manegueu, Anne Gael; Vernade, Claire; Carpentier, Alexandra; Valko, Michal
In: - [S.l.]:, 2020, article 2006.10459, insgesamt 19 Seiten
Peer-reviewed journal article
Adaptive estimation of the sparsity in the Gaussian vector model
Carpentier, Alexandra; Verzelen, Nicolas
In: The annals of statistics - Hayward, Calif.: IMS Business Off., 1973, Bd. 47.2019, 1, S. 93-126
Minimax rate of testing in sparse linear regression
Carpentier, Alexandra; Collier, Oliver; Comminges, Laetitia; Tsybakov, Aleksandr Borisovich; Wang, Yu
In: Automation and remote control - Dordrecht [u.a.]: Springer Science + Business Media B.V, 2001, Bd. 80.2019, 10, S. 1817-1834
Topics in statistical minimax hypothesis testing
Gutzeit, Maurilio; Carpentier, Alexandra
In: Magdeburg, Dissertation Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, Fakultät für Mathematik 2019, 99 Seiten [Literaturverzeichnis: Seite 95-99][Literaturverzeichnis: Seite 95-99]
Article in conference proceedings
A minimax near-optimal algorithm for adaptive rejection sampling
Achddou, Juliette; Lam, Joseph; Carpentier, Alexandra; Blanchard, Gilles
In: Algorithmic Learning Theory - PMLR; Garivier, Aurélien . - 2019, S. 94-126 - (Proceedings of Machine Learning Research; 98)
Rotting bandits are no harder than stochastic ones
Seznec, Julien; Locatelli, Andrea; Carpentier, Alexandra; Lazaric, Alessandro; Valko, Michal
In: The 22nd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics - PMLR; Chaudhuri, Kamalika . - 2019, S. 2564-2572 - (Proceedings of Machine Learning Research; 89)
Active multiple matrix completion with adaptive confidence sets
Locatelli, Andrea; Carpentier, Alexandra; Valko, Michal
In: The 22nd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics - PMLR, 2019; Chaudhuri, Kamalika . - 2019, S. 1783-1791 - (Proceedings of Machine Learning Research; 89)[Konferenz: 22nd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics, Naha, Okinawa, Japan, 16-18 April 2019]
Non-peer-reviewed journal article
Two-sample hypothesis testing for inhomogeneous random graphs
Ghoshdastidar, Debarghya; Gutzeit, Maurilio; Carpentier, Alexandra; Luxburg, Ulrike
In: - [S.l.]:, 2019, article 1707.00833, insgesamt 54 Seiten
Restless dependent bandits with fading memory
Zadorozhnyi, Oleksandr; Blanchard, Gilles; Carpentier, Alexandra
In: - [S.l.]:, 2019, article 1906.10454, insgesamt 30 Seiten
Local minimax rates for closeness testing of discrete distributions
Lam, Joseph; Carpentier, Alexandra; Sriperumbudur, Bharath K.
In: - [S.l.]:, 2019, article 1902.01219, insgesamt 62 Seiten
Optimal sparsity testing in linear regression model
Carpentier, Alexandra; Verzelen, Nicolas
In: - [S.l.]:, 2019, Artikel 1901.08802, insgesamt 50 Seiten
Book chapter
Constructing confidence sets for the matrix completion problem
Carpentier, Alexandra; Klopp, Olga; Löffler, Matthias
In: Nonparametric statistics: 3nd ISNPS, Avignon, France, June 2016 / Patrice Bertail, Pierre-André Cornillon, Eric Matzner-Lober, Delphine Blanke (Editors): 3nd ISNPS, Avignon, France, June 2016/ Conference of the International Society for Non-Parametric Statistics - Cham, Switzerland: Springer Nature, 2018 . - 2018[Konferenz: 3rd Conference of the International Society for Nonparametric Statistics, ISNPS, Avignon, France, June 11-16, 2016]
Peer-reviewed journal article
Adaptive confidence sets for matrix completion
Carpentier, Alexandra; Klopp, Olga; Löffler, Matthias; Nickl, Richard
In: Bernoulli: official journal of the Bernoulli Society for Mathematical Statistics and Probability - Aarhus, 1995, Vol. 24.2018, 4A, S. 2429-2460
Minimax euclidean separation rates for testing convex hypotheses in R d
Blanchard, Gilles; Carpentier, Alexandra; Gutzeit, Maurilio
In: Electronic journal of statistics - Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Library, 2007, Bd. 12.2018, 2, S. 3713-3735
An iterative hard thresholding estimator for low rank matrix recovery with explicit limiting distribution
Carpentier, Alexandra; Kim, Arlene K. H.
In: Statistica Sinica - Taipei: Statistica Sinica, Institute of Statistical Science, Academia Sinica, 1991, Bd. 28.2018, 3, S. 1371-1393
Article in conference proceedings
Adaptivity to smoothness in X-armed bandits
Locatelli, Andrea; Carpentier, Alexandra
In: Conference on Learning Theory: 6-9 July 2018 : [proceedings] - [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar]: PMLR, 2018 . - 2018, S. 1463-1492 - (Proceedings of machine learning research; volume 75)[Konferenz: 31st Annual Conference on Learning Theory, COLT 2018, Stockholm, 6-9 July 2018]
An adaptive strategy for active learning with smooth decision boundary
Locatelli, Andrea; Carpentier, Alexandra; Kpotufe, Samory
In: Algorithmic Learning Theory 2018: 7-9 April 2018 : [proceedings] - [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar]: PMLR, 2018 . - 2018, S. 547-571[Konferenz: Algorithmic Learning Theory 2018, Lanzarote, Spain, 7-9 April 2018]
Non-peer-reviewed journal article
A minimax near-optimal algorithm for adaptive rejection sampling
Achdou, Juliette; Lam, Joseph; Carpentier, Alexandra; Blanchard, Gilles
In: - [S.l.]: . - 2018, insges. 32 S.
Total variation distance for discretely observed Lévy processes : a Gaussian approximation of the small jumps
Carpentier, Alexandra; Duval, Céline; Mariucci, Ester
In: - [S.l.]:, 1991 . - 2018, insges. 32 S.
Estimating minimum effect with outlier selection
Carpentier, Alexandra; Delattre, Sylvain; Roquain, Etienne; Verzelen, Nicolas
In: - [S.l.]:, 1991 . - 2018, insges. 70 S.
Minimax rate of testing in sparse linear regression
Carpentier, Alexandra; Collier, Olivier; Comminges, Laetitia; Tsybakov, Alexandre B.; Wang, Yuhao
In: - [S.l.]:, 1991 . - 2018, insges. 18 S.
Adaptive estimation of the sparsity in the Gaussian vector model
Carpentier, Alexandra; Verzelen, Nicolas
In: - [S.l.]:, 1991 . - 2018, insges. 76 S.
Article in conference proceedings
Two-sample tests for large random graphs using network statistics
Ghoshdastidar, Debarghya; Gutzeit, Maurilio; Carpentier, Alexandra; Luxburg, Ulrike
In: Conference on Learning Theory - [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar]: PMLR, S. 954-977, 2017 - (Proceedings of machine learning research; volume 65)[Konfernz: Conference on Learning Theory, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 7-10 July 2017]
Adaptivity to noise parameters in nonparametric active learning
Locatelli, Andrea; Carpentier, Alexandra; Kpotufe, Samory
In: Conference on Learning Theory: 7-10 July 2017, Amsterdam, Netherlands : [proceedings] - [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar]: PMLR, S. 1383-1416 - (Proceedings of machine learning research; volume 65);[Konfernz: Conference on Learning Theory, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 7-10 July 2017]
Non-peer-reviewed journal article
Adaptivity to noise parameters in nonparametric active learning
Locatelli, Andrea; Carpentier, Alexandra; Kpotufe, Samory
In: - [S.l.] :, insges. 32 S., 2017
An iterative hard thresholding estimator for low rank matrix recovery with explicit limiting distribution
Carpentier, Alexandra; Kim, Arlene
In: - [S.l.] :, insges. 40 S., 2017
Two-sample tests for large random graphs using network statistics
Ghoshdastidar, Debarghya; Gutzeit, Maurilio; Carpentier, Alexandra; Luxenburg, Ulrike
In: - [S.l.]:, insges. 24 S., 2017
Article in conference proceedings
Pliable rejection sampling
Erraqabi, A.; Valko, M.; Carpentier, A.; Maillard, O.-A.
In: In: 33rd International Conference on Machine Learning, ICML 2016, Bd. 5, S. 3122-3137, 2016
An optimal algorithm for the Thresholding Bandit Problem
Locatelli, Andrea; Gutzeit, Maurilio; Carpentier, Alexandra
In: International Conference on Machine Learning - [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar]: PMLR, S. 1690-1698, 2016 - (Proceedings of machine learning research; volume 48)[Konferenz: 33rd International Conference on Machine Learning, New York, 20-22 June 2016]
Tight (lower) bounds for the fixed budget best arm identification bandit problem
Carpentier, Alexandra; Locatelli, Andrea
In: Conference on Learning Theory: 23-26 June 2018, Columbia University, New York, New York, USA : [proceedings] - [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar]: PMLR, S. 590-604, 2016 - (Proceedings of machine learning research; volume 49)[Konferenz: 29th Conference on Learning Theory, COLT, New York, 23-26 June 2018]
Learning relationships between data obtained independently
Carpentier, Alexandra; Schlüter, Teresa
In: Artificial Intelligence and Statistics: 9-11 May 2016, Cadiz, Spain : [proceedings] - [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar]: PMLR, S. 658-666 - (Proceedings of machine learning research; volume 51);[Konferenz: 19th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics, Cadiz, Spain, 9-11 May 2016]
An optimal algorithm for the thresholding bandit problem
Locatelli, A.; Gutzeit, M.; Carpentier, A.
In: In: 33rd International Conference on Machine Learning, ICML 2016, Bd. 4, S. 2539-2554, 2016
Pliable rejection sampling
Erraqabi, Akram; Valko, Michal; Carpentier, Alexandra; Maillard, Odalric
In: International Conference on Machine Learning: 20-22 June 2016, New York, New York, USA : [proceedings] - [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar]: PMLR, S. 21-21-2129 - (Proceedings of machine learning research; volume 48)[Konferenz: 33rd International Conference on Machine Learning, New York, 20-22 June 2016]
Peer-reviewed journal article
Implementable confidence sets in high dimensional regression
Carpentier, A.
In: In: Journal of Machine Learning Research, Bd. 38, S. 120-128, 2015
Adaptive strategy for stratified Monte Carlo sampling
Carpentier, A.; Munos, R.; Antosy, A.
In: In: Journal of Machine Learning Research, Bd. 16, S. 2231-2271, 2015
On signal detection and confidence sets for low rank inference problems
Carpentier, A.; Nickl, R.
In: In: Electronic Journal of Statistics, Bd. 9, 2, S. 2675-2688, 2015
Adaptive and minimax optimal estimation of the tail coefficient
Carpentier, A.; Kim, A.K.H.
In: In: Statistica Sinica, Bd. 25, 3, S. 1133-1144, 2015
Testing the regularity of a smooth signal
Carpentier, A.
In: In: Bernoulli, Bd. 21, 1, S. 465-488, 2015
Article in conference proceedings
Simple regret for infinitely many armed bandits
Carpentier, A.; Valko, M.
In: In: 32nd International Conference on Machine Learning, ICML 2015, Bd. 2, S. 1133-1141, 2015
Peer-reviewed journal article
Adaptive confidence intervals for the tail coefficient in a wide second order class of Pareto models
Carpentier, A.; Kim, A.K.H.
In: In: Electronic Journal of Statistics, 1, S. 2066-2110, 2014
Minimax number of strata for online stratified sampling: The case of noisy samples
Carpentier, A.; Munos, R.
In: In: Theoretical Computer Science, Bd. 558, C, S. 77-106, 2014
Article in conference proceedings
Extreme bandits
Carpentier, A.; Valko, M.
In: In: Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, Bd. 2, January, S. 1089-1097, 2014
Peer-reviewed journal article
Optimizing P300-speller sequences by RIP-ping groups apart
Thomas, E.; Clerc, M.; Carpentier, A.; Daucea, E.; Devlaminck, D.; Munos, R.
In: In: International IEEE/EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering, NER, S. 1062-1065, 2013
Automatic motor task selection via a bandit algorithm for a brain-controlled button
Fruitet, J.; Carpentier, A.; Munos, R.; Clerc, M.
In: In: Journal of Neural Engineering, Bd. 10, 1, 2013
Honest and adaptive confidence sets in Lp
Carpentier, A.
In: In: Electronic Journal of Statistics, Bd. 7, 1, S. 2875-2923, 2013
Article in conference proceedings
Stochastic simultaneous optimistic optimization
Valko, M.; Carpentier, A.; Munos, R.
In: In: 30th International Conference on Machine Learning, ICML 2013, PART 1, S. 678-686, 2013
Toward optimal stratification for stratified Monte-Carlo integration
Carpentier, A.; Munos, R.
In: In: 30th International Conference on Machine Learning, ICML 2013, PART 1, S. 687-695, 2013
Book chapter
Minimax number of strata for online stratified sampling given noisy samples
Carpentier, Alexandra; Munos, Rémi
In: Algorithmic Learning Theory / Bshouty , Nader H. - Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer ; Bshouty, Nader H. . - 2012, S. 229-244 - (Lecture notes in computer science; 7568)
Peer-reviewed journal article
Minimax number of strata for online stratified sampling given noisy samples
Carpentier, A.; Munos, R.
In: In: Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), Bd. 7568 LNAI, S. 229-244, 2012
Bandit Theory meets Compressed Sensing for high-dimensional Stochastic Linear Bandit
Carpentier, A.; Munos, R.
In: In: Journal of Machine Learning Research, Bd. 22, S. 190-198, 2012
Article in conference proceedings
Adaptive stratified sampling for Monte-Carlo integration of differentiable functions
Carpentier, A.; Munos, R.
In: In: Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, Bd. 1, S. 251-259, 2012
Bandit algorithms boost motor-task selection for brain computer interfaces
Fruitet, J.; Carpentier, A.; Munos, R.; Clerc, M.
In: In: Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, Bd. 1, S. 449-457, 2012
Online allocation and homogeneous partitioning for piecewise constant mean-approximation
Maillard, O.A.; Carpentier, A.
In: In: Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, Bd. 3, S. 1961-1969, 2012
Peer-reviewed journal article
Upper-confidence-bound algorithms for active learning in multi-armed bandits
Carpentier, A.; Lazaric, A.; Ghavamzadeh, M.; Munos, R.; Auer, P.
In: In: Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), Bd. 6925 LNAI, S. 189-203, 2011
Article in conference proceedings
Finite-time analysis of stratified sampling for Monte Carlo
Carpentier, A.; Munos, R.
In: In: Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 24: 25th Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems 2011, NIPS 2011, 2011
Sparse recovery with Brownian sensing
Carpentier, A.; Maillard, O.-A.; Munos, R.
In: In: Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 24: 25th Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems 2011, NIPS 2011, 2011