Oberseminar SoSe24


In the Oberseminar, academics and guests of the Institute present their current research work. All interested parties, especially students, are cordially invited.



In the summer semester 2024, our Oberseminar will be held in hybrid format. The talks will take place on Fridays at 11.15 a.m. in room G02-210. The only exception is the talk on Wednesday 12.06.24 (also 11.15 a.m. in G02-210). If you are interested in following a talk (online) or giving a talk yourself (also with regard to upcoming semesters), please contact Jannik Trappe.


Semester schedule


17.05.24 Kirill Kukharenko All 'round the simplex algorithm
24.05.24 Susanne Saß (RWTH Aachen) A branch-and-bound algorithm with growing datasets for large-scale parameter estimation
31.05.24 Reinhold Wittmann Bound handling in multiple shooting for optimal control
07.06.24 Sarah Feldmann The spread dimension
12.06.24 (Wednesday) Ekin Ergen (TU Berlin) Total completion time scheduling under scenarios
21.06.24 Robert Lampel Lifting Newton methods for improved convergence
28.06.24 Ulf Friedrich An Analytic Approach to Integer Programming
12.07.24 Christoph Plate Optimal Experimental Design for Universal Differential Equations

Last Modification: 10.03.2025 - Contact Person: Jannik Trappe