
Twisted Bimodules and Hochschild Cohomology for Self-Injective Algebras of Class A_n

by Erdmann, K.; Holm, T.


Preprint series: 97-13, Preprints

The paper is published: Forum Mathematicum 11 (1999), 177-201

16D20 Bimodules
16E40 Hochschild and other homology and cohomology theories for rings
16G60 Representation type (finite, tame, wild, etc.)
16G70 Auslander-Reiten sequences (almost split sequences) and Auslander-Reiten quivers


Abstract: We study stable homomorphisms for twisted bimodule structureson a finite-dimensional self-injective algebra. We use this to givea presentation for the Hochschild cohomology ring of self-injectiveNakayama algebras. By derived equivalence, this gives also the Hochschildcohomology ring for arbitrary self-injective algebras whose stable Auslander-Reiten quiver is of the form (Z)A n = ! 8 e ?. Moreover, we obtain anew characterization of self-injective Nakayama algebras.

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