
Spin representations, powers of 2 and the Glaisher map

by Bessenrodt, C.; Olsson, J.


Preprint series: 01-28, Preprints

The paper is published: Algebras and Representation Theory (to appear)

20C30 Representations of finite symmetric groups
05A15 Exact enumeration problems, generating functions, See Also {33Cxx, 33Dxx}


Abstract: Generalizing results on spin character degrees, we determine for a given conjugacy class of odd type in the double cover of $S_n$ spin characters of $S_n$ which have the minimal 2-power on this class in their character value. Surprisingly, the Glaisher map plays an important role here.

Keywords: double cover of symmetric groups, spin characters, Glaisher map

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Letzte Änderung: 01.03.2018 - Ansprechpartner: Webmaster