Stable Calabi-Yau dimension for finite type selfinjective algebras
by Holm, Thorsten; Jorgensen, Peter
Preprint series: 07-07, Preprints
- MSC:
- 16G70 Auslander-Reiten sequences (almost split sequences) and Auslander-Reiten quivers
- 18E30 Derived categories, triangulated categories
- 16D50 Injective modules, self-injective rings, See also {16L60, 18G05}
- 16G10 Representations of Artinian rings
- 16G60 Representation type (finite, tame, wild, etc.)
Abstract: We show that the Calabi-Yau dimension of the stable module category of a selfinjective algebra of finite representation type is determined by the action of the Nakayama and suspension functors on objects. Our arguments are based on recent results of C. Amiot, and hence apply more generally to triangulated categories having only finitely many indecomposable objects.
Keywords: Calabi-Yau dimensions, Triangulated categories, Stable module categories, Selfinjective algebras, Auslander-Reiten quivers
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