Optimal Designs for Linear Logistic Test Models
by Graßhoff, U.; Holling, H.; Schwabe, R.
Preprint series: 09-27, Preprints
- MSC:
- 62K05 Optimal designs
- 62P25 Applications to social sciences
- 62J12 Generalized linear models
Abstract: An important class of models within item response theory are Linear Logistic Test Models (LLTM). These models provide a means for rule-based item generation in educational and psychological testing based upon cognitive theories. After a short introduction into the LLTM, optimal designs for the LLTM will be developed with respect to the item calibration step assuming that persons\' abilities are known. Therefore, the LLTM is embedded in a particular generalized linear model. Finally, future developments are outlined.
Keywords: optimal design, item response theory, Rasch model, linear logistic test model, nonlinear model
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