
A Characterization of Codes with Extreme Parameters

by Faldum, A.; Willems, W.


Preprint series: 96-01, Preprints

The paper is published: IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory 42, No.6, Pt.2, 2255-2257 (1996)

94B05 Linear codes, general


Abstract: Let C be an [n; k; d]-code over GF (q) with k >= 2. Let s =def (C) = n + 1 - k - d denote the defect of C. The Griesmer bound impliesthat d <= q (s + 1). If d > qs and s >= 2, then by previous results of the authors,k <= q. Thus fixing s >= 2 the extreme parameters for a code with def (C) = s ared = q (s + 1), k = q and n = k + d + s - 1 = (q + 1) (s + 2) - 3. In this note wecharacterize the codes with such parameters.

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