
On Central Vectors and their Properties

by Gorokh, O.V.; Werner, F.


Preprint series: 96-13, Preprints


Abstract: In this paper we perform a study of central vectors. These vectorsare equidistant from a system of linearly independent vectors and they belongto the space generated by the vectors of a given system. We establish arelation between the solutions of the problem of maximizing the minimum oflinear homogeneous functions on a sphere and central vectors of subsystemsof a system of linearly independent vectors. A strongly polynomial algorithmis proposed for maximizing the minimum of linear homogeneous functions onthe sphere in the case of linearly independent functions.1 Supported by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Project ScheMA) and by INTAS(Project INTAS-93-257)

Letzte Änderung: 01.03.2018 - Ansprechpartner: Webmaster