
Calabi-Yau-threefolds with Picard number rho(X)=2 and their Kaehler cone II

by Kuehnel, M.


Preprint series: 02-25, Preprints

14J30 Special $3$-folds, See also {14E05}


Abstract: We prove the rationality of the Kaehler cone and the positivity of $c_2(X)$, if $X$ is a Calabi-Yau-threefold with $\rho(X)=2$ and has an embedding into a ${\bb P}^n$-bundle over ${\bb P}^m$ in the cases $(n,m)=(1,3),(3,1)$. The case $(n,m)=(2,2)$ has been done in the first part of this paper. Moreover, if $(n,m)=(3,1)$, we describe the \'other\' contraction different from the projection.

Keywords: Calabi-Yau-3-folds

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Letzte Änderung: 01.03.2018 - Ansprechpartner: Webmaster