Oberseminar WS24/25


In the Oberseminar, academics and guests of the Institute present their current research work. All interested parties, especially students, are cordially invited.


In the winter semester 2024/2025, our Oberseminar will be held in a hybrid format. The lectures will take place on Fridays at 11.15 am in room G02-210. If you are interested in following a lecture (optionally online) or giving a lecture yourself (also with regard to upcoming semesters), then Jannik Trappe is the right contact person for this.

Semester schedule

Date Speaker Title
18.10.24  Jannik Trappe Modeling of Cyclic Transversal Polytopes
25.10.24  Hanna Wilhelm Structural Analysis of Polytope Transformations defined by Neural Networks
08.11.24  Frederic Horn Cyclic Transversal Polytopes over Groups
15.11.24  Daria Shaydurova Obtaining a possibly smaller monomial basis for the moment-SOS approach
22.11.24  Mirko Hu Complex systems represented as networks, a unifying perspective
29.11.24  Timon Klein Low-Rank Adaptation of Neural Networks
06.12.24  Mirko Hahn Global Optimization with ReLU ANNs: A Speculative Outlook

 Torben Schürenberg

(Universität Bremen)

 How to hunt an invisible rabbit on an infinite graph in finite time


 Forwarding to Oberseminar SoSe24.

Last Modification: 13.01.2025 - Contact Person: Jannik Trappe