Polytope Extensions with Linear Diameters
Kaibel, V., Kukharenko, K.
Article in SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics
Steiner Cut Dominants
Conforti, M., Kaibel, V.
Article in Mathematics of Operations Research
Refined TSSOS
Shaydurova, D., Kaibel, V., Sager, S.
Binary Cyclic Transversal Polytopes
Frede, J., Kaibel, V., Merkert, M.
Optimal sufficient requirements on the embedded Ising problem in polynomial time
Lobe, E., Kaibel, V.
Article in Quantum Information Processing
Scale-Free Spanning Trees and Their Application in Genomic Epidemiology
Orlovich, Y., Kukharenko, K., Kaibel, V., Skums, P.
Article in Journal of Computational Biology
Correction to: Extended Formulations for Independence Polytopes of Regular Matroids
Kaibel, V., Lee, J., Walter, M., Weltge, S.
Article in Graphs and Combinatorics
Maximum Semidefinite and Linear Extension Complexity of Families of Polytopes
Averkov, G., Kaibel, V., Weltge, S.
Article in Math. Program.
A Note on Matchings Constructed during Edmonds' Weighted Perfect
Kaibel, V., Walter, M.
Extended Formulations for Independence Polytopes of Regular Matroids
Kaibel, V., Lee, J., Walter, M., Weltge, S.
(+++See the erratum in Kaibel et al. 2020+++)
Article in Graphs and Combinatorics
Forbidden Vertices
Angulo, G., Ahmed, S., Dey, S. S., Kaibel, V.
Article in Mathematics of Oper. Res.
Subgraph polytopes and independence polytopes of count matroids
Conforti, M., Kaibel, V., Walter, M., Weltge, S.
Article in Operations Research Letters
The Unimodular Intersection Problem
Kaibel, V., Onn, S., Sarrabezolles, P.
Article in Operations Research Letters
A Short Proof that the Extension Complexity of the Correlation Polytope Grows Exponentially
Kaibel, V., Weltge, S.
Article in Discrete and Computational Geometry
Simple extensions of polytopes
Kaibel, V., Walter, M.
Article in Math. Program. Ser. B
Lower Bounds on the Sizes of Integer Programs without Additional Variables
Kaibel, V., Weltge, S.
Article in Math. Program. Ser. B
Simple Extensions of Polytopes
Kaibel, V., Walter, M.
Appeared in Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization, 17th International Conference, IPCO 2014, Bonn, Germany, June 23-25, 2014. Proceedings
Lower Bounds on the Sizes of Integer Programs without Additional Variables
Kaibel, V., Weltge, S.
Appeared in Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization, 17th International Conference, IPCO 2014, Bonn, Germany, June 23-25, 2014. Proceedings
Combinatorial Bounds on Nonnegative Rank and Extended Formulations
Fiorini, S., Kaibel, V., Pashkovich, K., Theis, D. O.
Article in Discrete Math.
Which Nonnegative Matrices Are Slack Matrices?
Gouveia, J., Grappe, R., Kaibel, V., Pashkovich, K., Robinson, R. Z., Thomas, R. R.
Article in Linear Algebra Appl.
Constructing Extended Formulations from Reflection Relations
Kaibel, V., Pashkovich, K.
Chapter in Facets of Combinatorial Optimization – Festschrift for Martin Grötschel
Symmetry Matters for Sizes of Extended Formulations
Kaibel, V., Pashkovich, K., Theis, D. O.
Article in SIAM J. Disc. Math.
Basic Polyhedral Theory
Kaibel, V.
Chapter in Wiley Encyclopedia of Operations Research and Management Science
Extended Formulations in Combinatorial Optimization
Kaibel, V.
Finding Descriptions of Polytopes via Extended Formulations and Liftings
Kaibel, V., Loos, A.
Chapter in Progress in Combinatorial Optimization
Constructing Extended Formulations from Reflection Relations
Kaibel, V., Pashkovich, K.
Appeared in Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization. Proceedings of IPCO XV, New York, NY
Orbitopal fixing
Kaibel, V., Peinhardt, M., Pfetsch, M. E.
Article in Discr. Opt.
Branched Polyhedral Systems
Kaibel, V., Loos, A.
Appeared in Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization. Proceedings of IPCO XIV, Ithaca, NY
Symmetry Matters for the Sizes of Extended Formulations
Kaibel, V., Pashkovich, K., Theis, D. O.
Appeared in Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization. Proceedings of IPCO XIV, Ithaca, NY
On cardinality constrained cycle and path polytopes
Kaibel, V., Stephan, R.
Article in Math. Program.
Extended Formulations for Packing and Partitioning Orbitopes
Faenza, Y., Kaibel, V.
Article in Math. Oper. Res.
Another Proof of the Fact that Polyhedral Cones are Finitely Generated
Kaibel, V.
Two Theorems on Projections of Polyhedra
Kaibel, V.
A Short Proof of the VPN Tree Routing Conjecture on Ring Networks
Grandoni, F., Kaibel, V., Oriolo, G., Skutella, M.
Article in Oper. Res. Lett.
Packing and Partitioning Orbitopes
Kaibel, V., Pfetsch, M. E.
Article in Math. Program.
Two New Bounds for the Random-Edge Simplex-Algorithm
Gärtner, B., Kaibel, V.
SIAM J. Disc. Math.
Orbitopal Fixing
Kaibel, V., Peinhardt, M., Pfetsch, M. E.
Appeared in Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization. Proceedings of IPCOP XII, Ithaca, NY
Revlex-initial 0/1-polytopes
Gillmann, R., Kaibel, V.
Article in J. Combin. Theory Ser. A
LP-Based Local Approximation for Markov Decision Problems
Heinz, S., Kaibel, V., Peinhardt, M., Rambau, J., Tuchscherer, A.
Mathematik für den Volkssport
Kaibel, V., Koch, T.
On the Bottleneck Shortest Path Problem
Kaibel, V., Peinhardt, M.
On the Expansion of Graphs of 0/1-Polytopes
Kaibel, V.
Chapter in The Sharpest Cut: The Impact of Manfred Padberg and His Work
Low-Dimensional Faces of Random 0/1-Polytopes
Kaibel, V.
Appeard in Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization. Proceedings of IPCO X, New York, NY
The Simplex Algorithm in Dimension Three
Kaibel, V., Mechtel, R., Sharir, M., Ziegler, G. M.
Article in SIAM J. Comput.
Rotation Planning for the Continental Service of a European Airline
Elf, M., Jünger, M., Kaibel, V.
Chapter in Mathematics – Key Technologies for the Future. Joint Projects between Universities and Industry
Some Algorithmic Problems in Polytope Theory
Kaibel, V., Pfetsch, M. E.
Chapter in Algebra, Geometry, and Software Systems
On the Graph-Density of Random 0/1-Polytopes
Kaibel, V., Remshagen, A.
Appeared in Approximation, Randomization, and Combinatorial Optimization (Proc. RANDOM03)
On the Complexity of Polytope Isomorphism Problems
Kaibel, V., Schwartz, A.
Article in Graphs Comb.
Automorphism Groups of Cyclic Polytopes
Kaibel, V., Wassmer, A.
Counting Lattice Triangulations
Kaibel, V., Ziegler, G. M.
Chapter in Surveys in Combinatorics 2003
On the k-Systems of a Simple Polytope
Joswig, M., Körner, F., Kaibel, V.
Article in Isr. J. Math.
Reconstructing a Simple Polytope from its Graph
Kaibel, V.
Chapter in Combinatorial optimization – Eureka, You Shrink!
Computing the Face Lattice of a Polytope from its Vertex-Facet Incidences
Kaibel, V., Pfetsch, M. E.
Article in Comput. Geom.
Upper Bounds on the Maximal Number of Facets of 0/1-Polytopes
Fleiner, T., Kaibel, V., Rote, G.
Article in European J. Comb.
Vertex-Facet Incidences of Unbounded Polyhedra
Joswig, M., Kaibel, V., Pfetsch, M. E., Ziegler, G. M.
Article in Adv. Geom.
On the SQAP-Polytope
Jünger, M., Kaibel, V.
Article in SIAM J. Opt.
The QAP-Polytope and the Star-Transformation
Jünger, M., Kaibel, V.
Article in Discr. Appl. Math.
Box-Inequalities for Quadratic Assignment Polytopes
Jünger, M., Kaibel, V.
Article in Math. Program. Ser. A
Zum Geburtstag ein Weltrekord
Kaibel, V.
Simple 0/1-Polytopes
Kaibel, V., Wolff, M.
Article in European J. Comb.
Polyhedral Methods for the QAP
Kaibel, V.
Chapter in Nonlinear Assignment Problems: Algorithms and Applications
Randomized Simplex Algorithms and Random Cubes
Joswig, M., Kaibel, V.
Polyhedral Combinatorics of QAPs with Less Objects than Locations
Kaibel, V.
Appeared in Proceedings of the 6th International IPCO Conference, Houston, Texas
Abstract Objective Function Graphs on the 3-Cube - A Classification by Realizability
Gärtner, B., Kaibel, V.
Polyhedral Combinatorics of the Quadratic Assignment Problem
Kaibel, V.
Ph.D. thesis at Universität zu Köln
A Practical Method for Computing Correct Delaunay Triangulations in the Euclidian Metric
Jünger, M., Kaibel, V., Thienel, S.
Computing Delaunay-Triangulations in Manhattan and Maximum Metric
Jünger, M., Kaibel, V., Thienel, S.
Delaunay-Triangulierungen in verschiedenen Metriken
Kaibel, V.
Master's thesis at Universität zu Köln