Das Oberseminar des IAG findet in unregelmäßigen Abständen dienstags, 13 Uhr per Zoom unter den Koordinaten https://ovgu.zoom.us/j/97149455855 / Meeting ID: 971 4945 5855 / Passcode: 490213 und/oder im Raum G02-210 statt. Zu den Vorträgen sind alle Interessierten herzlich eingeladen.
Nächste Vorträge
10. Dezember 2024 |
Christian Haase |
Exploring the Fine adjunction spectrum (Dieser Vortrag findet statt in G03-315!) | Abstract |
5. November 2024 |
Barbara Betti |
Proudfoot-Speyer degenerations of scattering equations (Dieser Vortrag findet statt in G03-315!) | Abstract |
15. Oktober 2024 |
Fabian Lenzen |
Multiparameter persistent cohomology and local duality | Abstract |
2. Juli 2024 |
Mario Bauer |
Chow ring of complete quadrics | Abstact |
28. Mai 2024 |
Max Schulz |
The Recursive Behaviour of the Number of Irreducible Polynomials with Certain Properties over Finite Fields |
Abstract |
23. Januar 2024 |
Gabriele Balletti |
Computer-assisted Ehrhart theory | Abstract |
16. Januar 2024 |
Alex Constantinescu |
Cotangent Cohomology for Matroids (Dieser Vortrag findet statt in G03-214!) |
Abstract |
19. Dezember 2023 |
Maximilian Wiesman |
Quantum Graphical Models | Abstract |
12. Dezember 2023 |
David Ploog |
The heart fan of an abelian category (Dieser Vortrag findet statt in G03-214!) | Abstract |
4. Dezember 2023 |
Waltraud Lederle |
Boomerang subgroups |
Abstract |
14. Nobember 2023 |
Janina Krawitz (Univ. Paderborn) James Morgan (Univ. of Sydney) |
Mathematisches Modellieren und Problem Posing
On the complexity of two-bridge link complements |
24. Oktober 2023 |
Mireille Soergel |
tba | |
17. Oktober 2023 |
Julia Heller |
Conformal Dimension of the Boundary for Hyperbolic Coxeter Groups | Abstract |
4. Juli 2023 |
Angela Carnevale |
Matrices, board games, and orbits | Abstract |
27. Juni 2023 |
Tanka Nath Dhamala |
Insights on Efficient Evacuation Planning Issues | Abstract |
Do! 22. Juni 2023 |
Lorenzo Baldi |
Non-negative Polynomials on Real Plane Curves | Abstract |
20. Juni 2023 |
Paul Zellhofer |
Ein geometrischer Zugang zur Konstant-Konvexität | Abstract |
13. Juni 2023 |
Anke Lindmeier und Birke Weber |
"Lehramtsaufgaben" in Übungen zu fachwissenschaftlichen Vorlesungen - ein Mittel zur Adressierung der zwei Diskontinuitäten? | Abstract |
6. Juni 2023 |
Jacinta Torres |
Atoms and charge beyond type A | Abstract |
1. Juni 2023 |
Robert Zeier |
Lie-algebraic symmetry analysis for quantum computing | Abstract |
30. Mai 2023 |
Vadym Kurylenko |
Thin Simplices via Modular Arithmetic | Abstract |
23. Mai 2023 |
Robin Schabert |
Linear slices of hyperbolic polynomials | Abstract |
18. April 2023 |
Ben Hollering |
Toric Ideals of Characteristic Imsets via Quasi-Independence Gluing | Abstract |
4. April 2023 |
Hany Ibrahim |
Edge Contraction and Forbidden Induced Subgraphs | Abstract |
21. März 2023 |
Lars Bügemannskemper |
Functional equation for local (pro-isomorphic) zeta functions of groups and Igusa functions | Abstract |
16. Februar 2023 (Do) |
Tomasz Kowalczyk |
Sums of even powers of k-regulous functions | Abstract |
14. Februar 2023 |
Luis Paris |
Dyer groups | Abstract |
24. Januar 2023 |
Bianca Marchionna |
Double-coset zeta functions for groups acting on trees | Abstract |
17. Januar 2023 |
Pierpaola Santarsiero |
On the symmetric geometric rank of tensors | Abstract |
Vorträge seit 2018
13. Dezember 2022 | Alex Black (UC Davies, CA, USA) |
Smooth Torus Orbit Closures in Flag Varieties | Abstract |
6. Dezember 2022 | Lara Beßmann (Universität Münster) |
Uniqueness of universal groups for right-angled buildings | Abstract |
29. November 2022 | Tobias Boege (MPI Leipzig) |
Polynomial systems in information theory | Abstract |
1. November 2022 | Sebastian Debus (OvGU Magdeburg) |
The even Vandermonde map and sums of squares at infinity | Abstract |
18. Oktober 2022 | Khanh Nguyen Duc (University at Albany, U.S.) |
Newton polytope of good symmetric functions | |
19. Juli 2022 | Armin Weiß (Universität Stuttgart) |
The isomorphism problem for virtually free groups | Abstract |
12. Juli 2022 | Marcel Celaya (ETH Zürich) |
Patchworking Oriented Matroids | Abstract |
5. Juli 2022 | Yulia Alexandr (UC Berkeley) |
Combinatorics of logarithmic Voronoi cells | Abstract |
21. Juni 2022 | Michael Schein (Bar-Ilan University, Israel) |
An application of model theory to a counting problem in algebra: the effect of central amalgamation on normal subgroup growth in nilpotent groups | Abstract |
14. Juni 2022 | Alexander Salle (Universität Osnabrück) |
Herleitung von Grundvorstellungen als normative Leitlinien | Abstract |
7. Juni 2022 | Sofia Garzon Mora (FU Berlin) |
Fine Polyhedral Adjunction Theory | Abstract |
31. Mai 2022 | Philip Möller (Universität Münster) |
Automorphisms of graph products: Normal subgroups, the center and automatic continuity | Abstract |
24. Mai 2022 | Ederson Dutra (Sao Carlos / Regensburg) |
Nielsen equivalence in Fuchsian groups | Abstract |
26. April 2022 | Max Hoffmann (Universität Paderborn) |
Konzeption professionsorientierter Fachvorlesungen: Ein Praxisbericht zur "Geometrie für Lehramtsstudierende" | Abstract |
19. April 2022 | Raphael Appenzeller (ETH Zürich) |
Axiomatics of Lambda-trees | Abstract |
5. April 2022 | Eliana Duarte (Universidade do Porto, Portugal) |
Representation of Context-Specific Causal models | Abstract |
25. Januar 2022 | Matthias Mohr (LMU München) |
Die Entwicklung von Erwartungs- und Wertüberzeugungen | Abstract |
18. Januar 2022 | Sebastian Bischof (Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen) |
On the Extension theorem for twin buildings | Abstract |
11. Januar 2022 | Beatrice Pozzetti (Universität Heidelberg) |
The real spectrum compactification of character varieties | Abstract |
30. November 2021 | Tan Nhat Tran (Ruhr-Universität Bochum) |
Characteristic and Ehrhart quasi-polynomials for root systems | Abstract |
23. November 2021 | Hendrik Süß (Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena) |
Mahler volumes and normalised volumes of singularities | Abstract |
16. November 2021 | Joshua Maglione (Universität Bielefeld) |
Zeta functions and flag Hilbert-Poincaré series of hyperplane arrangements | Abstract |
19. Oktober 2021 | Ivan Soprunov (Cleveland State University) |
Zeros of sparse polynomials over finite fields | Abstract |
1. September 2021 | Ismael Gutierrez Garcia (Universitdad del Norte Barranquilla, Kolumbien) |
t-Graph over finitely generated Groups and grid Codes | Abstract |
6. Juli 2021 | Lutz Warnke (Georgia Institute of Technology) |
The density of Costas arrays decays exponentially | Abstract |
29. Juni 2021 | Julius Giesler (Universität Tübingen) |
Lattice polytopes and hypersurfaces in toric 3-folds | Abstract |
22. Juni 2021 | Andriy Regeta (Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena) |
When is a variety determined by its group of automorphisms? | Abstract |
15. Juni 2021 | Sam Corson (University of Bristol) |
Groups with finitary behaviour | Abstract |
8. Juni 2021 | Khanh Nguyen Duc (Université Claude Bernard, Lyon) |
On the shifted Littlewood-Richardson coefficients and the Littlewood-Richardson coefficients | Abstract |
1. Juni 2021 | Tobias Rolfes (IPN Kiel) |
Früher war alles besser!? Mathematikleistungen von Abiturient/innen im Rückblick | Abstract |
2. Februar 2021 | Janina Krawitz (WWU Münster) |
Negative effect of the drawing strategy on problem solving-What are the reasons? | Abstract |
19. Januar 2021 | Aida Maraj (MPI-MiS Leipzig) |
(Reciprocal) Maximum Likelihood Degree of some Phylogenetic Models | Abstract |
12. Januar 2021 | Jane Coons (North Carolina State University) |
Toric Geometry of the Cavender-Farris-Neyman Model with a Molecular Clock | Abstract |
22. Dezember 2020 | Christopher Voll (North Carolina State University) |
Groups, graphs and hypergraphs - counting conjugacy classes of p-groups and averaging generic matrices with support constraints | Abstract |
15. Dezember 2020 | Michael Dougherty (Swarthmore College, Pennsylvania USA) |
Geometric Combinatorics for Polynomials | Abstract |
8. Dezember 2020 | Carlos Amendola Ceron (Technische Universität München) |
Likelihood Geometry of Correlation Models | Abstract |
1. Dezember 2020 | Annette Karrer (Technion Haifa) |
Contracting boundaries of right-angled Coxeter groups | Abstract |
17. November 2020 | Lukas Kühne (MPI-MiS Leipzig) |
The Resonance Arrangement | Abstract |
10. November 2020 | Michael Kallweit (Ruhr-Universität Bochum) |
STACK Aufgaben in Moodle | Abstract |
27. Oktober 2020 | Xiangying Chen (FU Berlin) |
Matroids, Chow rings and log-concavity | Abstract |
8. Mai 2019 | Dawid Kielak (Uni Bielefeld) |
30. April 2019 | Benjamin Brück (Uni Bielefeldt) |
23. April 2019 | Silke Neuhaus (OVGU) |
Proof comprehension of undergraduate students | |
16. April 2019 | Alessandro Oneto (OVGU) |
9. April 2019 | Giulia Codenotti (FU Berlin) |
Hollow polytopes of large width | Abstract |
29. Januar 2019 | Liam Solus (KTH Stockholm) |
Real zeros and the alternatingly increasing property in algebraic combinatorics | Abstract |
22. Januar 2019 | Julia Heller (KIT) |
15. Januar 2019 | Lena Walter (FU Berlin) |
8. Januar 2019 | Daniel Hättig (Uni Tübingen) |
11. Dezember 2018 | Daniele Agostini (HU Berlin) |
20. November 2018 | Heidemarie Bräsel (Magdeburg) |
Führung durch Ausstellung "Aus der Ebene in den Raum" von Bräsels & Co. in der Universitätsbibliothek Magdeburg |