Prof. Dr. Miles Simon

Institut für Analysis und Numerik (IAN)
Sprechzeiten: nach Vereinbarung

Research interests

  • Ricci flow, singular metric spaces, mean curvature flow, singularities of Ricci and mean-curvature flow, geometric flows, geometric flows with surgery, parabolic and elliptic differential equations, global geometry, compactness theorems in geometry.




Honours Year (Undergraduate) :

PhD Thesis:

  • A class of manifolds that pinch when evolved by Ricci flow, (1998)

Habilitation Thesis:

  • Selected chapters from my Habilitation thesis   pdf "Ricci flow of almost non-negatively curved three manifolds",Universität Freiburg, Deutschland, Nov. 2006

current lectures

WiSe 2024/25  Analysis III
 WiSe 2024/25  Funktionentheorie Lehramt
SoSe 2024  Analysis II
 SoSe 2024  Mathematik 2b für Ingenieure (Stg A)
 WiSe 2023/24  Analysis I
 WiSe 2023/24  Mathematik 2a für Ingenieure (Stg A)
 WiSe 2022/23  Geometrische Evolutionsgleichungen
 WiSe 2022/23  Geometrische Evolutionsgleichungen II
 WiSe 2022/23  Mathematik 1a für Ingenieure (Stg A)
 SoSe 2022  Differentialgeometrie II
 SoSe 2022  Seminar Differentialgeometrie
 WiSe 2021/22  Differentialgeometrie I [B]
WiSe 2021/22 Lineare Algebra für BB, LA, MathIng und Physik
SoSe 2021 Analysis II für AS, BB, LA, MaIng und PH
SoSe 2021 Proseminar: Themen der Differentialgeometrie
 WiSe 2020/21  Analysis III
 WiSe 2020/21  Mathematik 2b für Ingenieure (Stg A)
SoSe 2020 Analysis II
SoSe 2020 Mathematik 2 für Ingenieure (Stg A)
WiSe 2019/2020 Analysis I
WiSe 2019/2020 Mathematik 1 für Ingenieure (Stg A)
WiSe 2019/2020 Differentialgeometrie 'reading course'
SoSe 2019 Analysis II für AS, LA, MaIng und PH
SoSe 2019 Proseminar Differentialgeometrie
SoSe 2018 Analysis II
SoiSe 2018 Geometrische Evolutionsgleichungen II
SoSe 2018 Seminar über partielle Differentialgleichungen
WiSe 2017/2018 Analysis I
WiSe 2017/2018 Geometrische Evolutionsgleichungen
SoSe 2017 Differentialgeometrie II
WiSe 2016/2017 Differentialgeometrie I
WiSe 2016/2017 Mathematik III für Ingenieure
SoSe 2016 Geometrische Evolutionsgleichungen II
SoSe 2016 Mathematik II für Ingenieure
WiSe 2015/2016 Analysis III 
WiSe 2015/2016  Geometrische Evolutionsgleichungen 
WiSe 2015/2016  Mathematik I für Ingenieure 
SoSe 2015 Analysis II 
SoSe 2015  Differentialgeometrie II 
SoSe 2015  Seminar zur Differentialgeometrie 
WiSe 2014/2015 Differentialgeometrie I
WiSe 2014/2015 Analysis I
WiSe 2013/2014 Analysis III
WiSe 2013/2014 Mathematics for Businessso
SoSe 2013 Seminar Analysis auf Mannigfaltigkeiten 
SoSe 2013 Analysis II
SoSe 2013 Proseminar Fourierreihen und Fouriertransformation
WiSe 2012/2013 Analysis I
WiSe 2012/2013 Mathematics for Business
SoSe 2012 Geometrische Evolutionsgleichungen II
SoSe 2012 Seminar Analysis
SoSe 2012 Seminar Geometrische Evolutionsgleichungen
WiSe 2011/2012 Geometrische Evolutionsgleichungen
WiSe 2011/2012 Mathematik III für Ingenieure
WiSe 2011/2012 Seminar Geometrische Evolutionsgleichungen
SoSe 2011 Partielle Differentialgleichungen II

Seminar with Hannover: Differential Geometry and Analysis

Seminar: Geometric Analysis



Simon, M.;
Preserving curvature lower bounds when Ricci flowing non-smooth initial data,
Surveys in Differential Geometry, Essays on Geometric Flows - Celebrating 40 Years of Ricci Flow, 27 (1) 147-187, (2024)



Lamm, T., Simon, M.;
Ricci flow of W2,2-metrics in four dimensions,
Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici, Vol. 98, No. 2pp. 261–364(2023)
DOI 10.4171/CMH/553



Simon, M., Topping, P. ;
Local control on the geometry in 3D Ricci flow,
Journal of Differential Geometry, 122(3) 467-518 November 2022.



Deruelle, A,; Schulze, F.; Simon, M. :
On the regularity of Ricci flows coming out of metric spaces,
JEMS, Vol. 24, No. 7pp. 2233–2277,  (2021).
DOI 10.4171/JEMS/1138

Simon, M., Topping, P.,
Local mollication of Riemannian metrics using Ricci flow, and Ricci limit spaces,
Geometry Topology, Geom. Topol. 25(2), 913-948, (2021).



Simon, M. :
Extending four dimensional Ricci flows with bounded scalar curvature,
Communications in analysis and geometry , Internat. Press, Bd. 28 ,7, S. 1683-1754, (2020)

Simon, M. :
Some integral curvature estimates for the Ricci flow in four dimensions ,
Communications in analysis and geometry , Internat. Press, Bd. 28. 3, S. 707-727, (2020)



Bohm, C., Lafuente, R., , Simon, M. :
Optimal curvature estimates for homogeneous Ricci flows,
International Mathematics Research Notices, 14, pp. 4431-4468  (2019)



Simon, M.:
Ricci flow of Regions with Curvature Bounded Below in Dimension Three ,
J Geom Anal Volume 27, pp. 3051–3070 (2017).


Simon, Miles and Wheeler, Glen :
Some local estimates and a uniqueness result for the entire biharmonic heat equation ,
Advances in Calculus of Variations, (2014)
DOI: 10.1515/acv-2014-0027


Simon, Miles :
Local smoothing results for the Ricci flow in dimensions two and three.
Geom. Topol. 17(4): 2263-2287 (2013)
DOI: 10.2140/gt.2013.17.2263

Schulze, Felix; Simon, Miles :
Expanding solitons with non-negative curvature operator coming out of cones
Math. Z. 275, 625–639 (2013)



Simon, Miles :
Ricci flow of non-collapsed 3-manifolds whose Ricci curvature is bounded from below.
J. reine angew. Math. 662, 59—94, (2012)
DOI: 10.1515/CRELLE.2011.088, 



Simon, M., Schulze, F., Schnurer,O.:
Stability of hyperbolic space under Ricci flow,
Communications in analysis and geometry ; 19 , 5. - S. 1023-1047, (2011)



Simon, Miles :
Ricci flow of almost non-negatively curved three manifolds,
J. reine angew. Math. 630 (2009),
DOI 10.1515/CRELLE.2009.038



Simon, Miles :
Local results for flows whose speed or height satisfies a bound of the form $\frac c t$.
International Mathematics Research Notices, Vol. 2008 : article ID rnn097, 14 pages, (2008)

Schnuerer, Oliver, Schulze, Felix, Simon, Miles :
Stability of Euclidean space under Ricci flow,
Communictions in Geom. and Ana., Volume 16, Number 1, 127–158, (2008).


Simon, M.:
Ricci flow of almost non-negatively curved three manifolds,
Geometric evolution equations, 167 - 179, Contemp. Math., 367, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, (2005)



Simon, Miles :
Deforming Lipschitz metrics into smooth metrics while keeping their curvature operator non-negative,
Geometric Evolution Equations, Hsinchu, Taiwan, July 15- August 14, 2002, edited by Ben Chow, Sun-Chin Chu, Chang-Shou Lin, Shu-Cheng Chang American Mathematical Society, (2004) 



Simon, Miles :
Deformation of C0 Riemannian metrics in the direction of their Ricci curvature,
Comm. Anal. Geom. 10, no. 5, 1033-1074, (2002).

Simon, Miles :
Some corrections to "C0 Riemannian metrics in the direction of their Ricci curvature":



Simon, Miles:
A class of Riemannian manifolds which pinch when evolved by Ricci flow,
Manuscripta Mathematica, 101, no.1, (2000)

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